And a second chance.
That's all we need to give ourselves.
For if we have those two things, we pretty much have the world. Hope gives you dreams, aspirations, and a sense that you may just be able to achieve them. And a second chance, well, it gives you a second chance at that dream if you make a mistake somewhere along the way.
Imagine this: a life without hope and a second chance. A life without the option of making a mistakes – many mistakes – and saying sorry, learning from your mistakes and moving on. Even The God's make mistakes. Prime example- Shiva granting Bhasmasur his boon and then running to save his own life. He never gave up on himself (Shiv-jee, not Bhasmasur. Bhasmasur died)as a failed God. Then who are we, mere mortals, to give up on ourselves? To deny us that second chance?
It needn't be pointed out here that a mistake is an action committed, unmindful of its consequences. A deliberate action, which causes a certain expected reaction can't be classified as a mistake. A bike accident on a slippery road is a mistake; a drunk driver is not.
So we were awful once upon a time. We were mean to someone. We did something that we now realize we shouldn't have.
It's okay.
Don't murder yourself for it. (Literally; and figuratively!)
The realization that it was a mistake, that it is never to be done again, that it hurt someone and is hence bad, the repentance for that mistake are all punishments enough. The human mind is a fickle one. Specially one that has a guilty conscience. It eats away at the happiness slowly, leaving behind an empty frame of flesh and bones. Don't let that happen to you. The world is harsh enough on us, we need not help it by being harsh upon ourselves too.
I'm not saying that we should be arrogant and do whatever we feel like, and then say – oops, sorry! What I'm saying is that when you realize that you have committed a mistake, forgive yourself. For if you don't forgive yourself, how will the world? Understand and face the consequence of the mistake, for every mistake has a consequence. Learn from it, vow never to do it again, but also give yourself a second chance. Hope. Dare. Dream. Again. A new start, a fresh beginning. It's never too late until your dead. And you are not. So live. Again. Breathe. Deeply. Forgive yourself, and move on.
The more excess baggage we carry, the more burdensome life becomes for us. Life already has a 100 burdens thrown on us, don't add to that. Liberate yourself of all that you possibly can, and grab that chance, that second chance, at happiness.
As I said to AJ, As with Mutual Funds, so with life: Past performance is no guarantee for future performance…
Until next time…