Friday, July 03, 2009


An incident occurs in your life, and you get affected. You face it, what other choice do you have. So you face it, live with it, deal with it, accept it. You live through it, bear the brunt, face the side effects, and let it affect you. And then you think it over. You feel a joy at having survived it. You feel strong.

But it's a false alarm. That one incident can and will affect you for the rest of your life. It will come back to haunt you again and again, making you weaker at every instance, till it eventually breaks you down. It will make it a point to affect all the important issues/people in your life, obviously in a negative manner, and be at it regularly till you don't give up and bow down.

Till you don't break. Till you don't shatter.

Is this even legal? How many times is one incident allowed to affect your life? Is there no law protecting us against the atrocities of such incidents? Are people not allowed second chances anymore? How much does one thing you did in the past matter so much in your future? Isn't the past supposed to belong in the past, and the future be a new beginning?

Apparently not.

Until next time…


arayans said...

it's pretty early on a saturday. i've been awoken early rather unceremoniously. and here i am, wondering as to why such bad stuff happens to me only... till i decide to read blogs to pass-time, and then...i read this!

this post, in particular, was awesome, esp when u'd already set a rather-high benchmark with the immediately-preceding one.

ps. please allow for people without blogger accounts to leave comments too.

cute n confused said...

thnx...i write only when i feel deeply enough..guess the feel of the write-up is more life-like that way..glad to knw u like it!
i've altered the settings to allow registered users (incl. OpenID) to leave comments..

MJ Singh said...

The same incidents that make you weak.. can make you stronger too.. I don't know how this happens... probably when I brace myself to the fact that it is going to hurt me no matter what, it doesn't not so much.

MJ :)

cute n confused said...

profound! n u have a point too..u can however brace urself for somehting only so-many times...and at some point its bound to get to ab bas!

MJ Singh said...

hmm.. very true

Material Girl said...

Loved the insight.
Keep at it.