Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wish List

My birthday is coming up, yes, again, and for all those who want to give me something, for once I'll make your life simple. You need not rack your brains like every other year to think of what to give me.

Here's my wish list.

  1. 5 new, good SRK releases this year
  2. Annihilation of all cheaters in the world, specially like the ones who con gullible young women like me
  3. My own train on the Western Railway that doesn't leave till I board it
  4. Books that have Titles like "How to lose 20 kgs in 2 months, & Stay That Way" or "How to get your dream job & retain it" or even better, "how to travel everyday to andheri from South bombay in 1 piece & reach office on time"
  5. The brand new pair of spectacles that I lost within 3 days of getting them (pink; pretty; bold)
  6. More breakfasts at Leopold's with same / similar company
  7. A portfolio that's in the Green
  8. Age Reversal Medicines for my parents

Well, doesn't that make life simple for you? Just take your pick and make me happy!

Until next time…


Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

I think i'll take breakfast at leopolds...umm...if you're paying ofcourse!

cute n confused said...

lol..ofcourse! u coming for vinit's wedding?

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

Yups...the wedding and all the little things happening before that too!
Got all the time in the world on my hands after all!

cute n confused said...

:X !!