Saturday, September 29, 2007

Dont Touch Me

"Dont touch me!" he shouted and jumped back from me.
Because i am suffering from cunjunctivites. In the middle of exams, thats another thing.
I was shocked at his behaviour. I mean, come on. Cunjitivites for godsake, not AIDS or something!
If this is the way people in this country treat people who are suffering fro cunjunctivites, then its no small winder how they treat people with aids. Snatching a daughter from her mother because "she is not fit to be a mother, as she has AIDS..."
what crap.
forget being a bit understanding for it feels like there are a 1000 pins pricking the eye, along with acid pouring out of it. travelling over 25 kilometers (one way) on top of that for an exam, without studying, and the first thing i get to hear is "Dont Touch Me!"
after hearing tht i really felt like stickin my finger in my eye, and then sticking it all over his eye. but for tht i would have to touch him. and i dont touch dirty things.
3 things for you mr VIP Frenchie:
1.grow up. money isnt everything. get some brains.
2. who said i'm interested in touching you, in the first place? as i said, i dont touch dirty things.
3. GSAT. (this seems more contagious in class thn cunjunctivites!) ;)

until next time...


Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

ahhh... sad indeed. hehehe and to think we are doing an mba in one the nations most esteemed institutions...
shameful i say...

cute n confused said...

sorry for the superbly cheeseed off blog. :)
but sometimes u jus cant control!