Monday, August 04, 2008


Sometimes, your expectations dont get satisfied.
sometimes, you wonder why what you expected didnt happen.
Sometimes, the only thing you can do is nothing.
Sometimes, you have the capability to understand why is it that your expectations are not getting fullfilled.
Sometimes, you dont.

Sometimes, you realise that nothing in life is the way its supposed to be.
Sometimes, you wonder: why me?
Sometimes, you feel the tunnel has no end.
Sometimes, you see a small flame.
sometimes, you get surrounded by the fire.

Sometimes, you think you are the king of the world.
Sometimes, you think life rocks.
Sometimes, at times like this your world shakes.
sometimes, it leaves you upside down.
Sometimes, it just doesnt bother.

Sometimes, you feel particularly blue.
Sometimes, you feel: no one loves you.
Sometimes, all you crave is a big bear hug.
Sometimes, all you need is someone to make you hot coffee in a big mug.
Sometimes, all you get is ice.

Until next time...


Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

sometimes, all you need is a hug,
sometimes though, you have to settle for coffee in a mug!

cute n confused said...

ya ya.
show off!

Ankur Shukla said...

Awesome...i loved it!!! who says poem needs all rhythem and rue!!!!

cute n confused said...

thns ankur!my rhyming sense sucks, but i still try an hand now n then.. thnx for the encouragement...!