Friday, July 25, 2008


I have been wondering for the past couple of days, what is the point of living? I mean, we are born, we spend our childhood with our parents, we grow up, we get married, leave our parents, have children, we watch them grow up, watch them leave us, and then while doing all this, one day we die. So it's established that one day we all die. But what of the time in between being born and dying? Can't we decide how we want to spend that time? I mean, after all, human beings are supposed to be free creatures, right?

So, let's assume that we were all given the choice to choose one point in our lives to freeze time and live in that phase. I would choose my school days, carefree, fun, and assuredly with my mother. No tension of getting married and leaving her and all that. Would that be just fine? But then, I wonder, what if she were given the same choice, and she chose a similar phase in her life when she was in school and with her mother? I wouldn't even get a chance of being born! Or what if there was a better time ahead, one that I unknowingly chose not to even give a chance? I would never know!

So, Maybe there is a point to all this, after all.

And suddenly the question changes from which phase to choose to whether we should be given such a choice at all.

What would you choose? To get a chance to make this choice, or to live life one day at a time and take all its surprises, good or bad, in your stride? Would it be any fun to live like a teenager all your life, and never get a chance to make your own decisions? Or would it be fun to be a teenager all your life and just not have any responsibility on your shoulder? And if you chose a particular phase, one that you like, is it necessary that all people around you will also want to be in that phase? Maybe it wasn't such a good time for someone else. Maybe that's why God decides all this.

There are still some choices that human beings are incapable of making, and that's where God comes into picture. What do you think he does the whole day anyways?

But he has left one choice to you. You can choose to kill me for such a horrible post, or you can choose to try to understand what I'm trying to say.

So, what will it be?

Until next time…


Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

life's a journey man, enjoy the ride!

cute n confused said...

he he he...
just a bit of timepass along the way!!

Siddharth said...

Very interesting thoughts...

cute n confused said...

thank you, sidharth..