Thursday, April 02, 2009

Belated Happy April Fool’s Day

It was a dry one this year, April fool's day. No pranks, no fun. No mood, no need, no inclination.

But I made up for it.

It so happened that a friend of mine (promised him, wouldn't mention his name!) missed April fools day by one day when he was born. So I called him to wish him a very happy birthday today. And ended up giving myself a belated happy April fool's day instead! He didn't recognize my number (landline) and as the usual habit of making a fool of people who aren't smart enough to recognize my voice, I took his case too. I pretended to be a relationship executive from a well known MNC bank, and after identifying myself (with a pseudo-name, of course!) went on to wishing him a very happy birthday. After that, I informed him that he was chosen to become one of our esteemed HNI clients, and so I wanted to come and meet him today itself personally. I also mentioned that I would bring cake and flowers. This flattered the guy to no end, and he was all shy-blushy-flattered. To his credit I must mention that he said that there was no need for the cake etc, but he would like to know the features of this HNI-Account that I was offering him. I was on the verge of mentioning a free trip to Bangkok (his favorite holiday destination) when I couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing!

Needless to say the next 10 minutes were spent in him trying to convince me that he knew this was a prank and that he reacted in such a manner because he did know someone with the same name as the pseudo-name that I chose and that he was an HNI client with his bank already and also pointing out numerous times that he did refuse the cake and flowers; and me not believing one word of what he as saying and laughing non-stop!

After a long time I laughed. So hard, my stomach hurt because of it. And for once, I welcomed the pain in my stomach and the water flowing out of my eyes. I gave him only my best wishes, but in return he gave me a happy day in between these dark, gloomy days. For that I can never thank him enough. May god give him all that his heart desires, even if it is only a preeti (pretty) banker chick that brings him cake and flowers!

Here's wishing him a very happy birthday, and me a belated happy April fool's Day.

God knows, I needed it.

Until next time…


Siddharth said...

Nice prank...

cute n confused said...

yeah, i thought so too! :D

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

i remember the banker prank...i almost hung up on you when you did that to me.
"Hello, this is **** from **** bank, we have a special offer for credit cards for students"
"No thank you, I dont want a credit card. Have a nice day..."
"Idiot, didn't recognise me?"
"Oh Lehar! Hey ssup?"

cute n confused said...

urs was nothing compared to this other one, whr i almost gave a frnd a heart attack as i claimed tht her credit card had been used for a txn for over 2 lacs, and this was an informatory call regarding the same!
she was SO freaked! :D
i love pranks!! :D
i mena to play, not get played on!