Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Mid-Summer Night's Dream

The summer breeze,
In the day, In the night.
A clear blue sky,
Dotted with clouds pure white.

Sitting in the shade of those big green trees,
Sipping the lemonade, enjoying the mangoes.
Chasing my sister around the swings,
Falling down and scraping my knees.

Gone are those days,
Gone are those trees.
Gone is that childhood,
Leaving an emptiness in its place.

Gone is the carefree attitude,
Along with the sound of the ocean so serene.
A sigh, A wish, A longing for it,
But all that remains is a mid-summer nights dream.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

A mid-summer night's dream indeed!