Friday, August 03, 2007

Ramaa and Ritikaa.

She is a 21 year old, with an 11 month old child. She has returned to her parent’s house, after 3 years of trying to live with the man her parents married her off to. He turned out to be a wife-beating alcoholic who is a mama’s boy and will listen to any crap his mother will tell him about her. Her parents have refused to keep her in their house any longer: a married daughter has no place in their house. Temporarily living with her sister, she manages to feed her baby by working domestically in houses like mine. She has no clothes of her own, they didn’t let her take any when she was leaving, and she starts her day everyday hoping that today maybe her husband will realize his mistake, his responsibilities and come and take her home, where she belongs. She is Ramaa.

She is a 27 year old, with a recently aborted fetus. She has returned to her parent’s house after 6 months of living with the rich prick her parents married her off to. She was 3 months pregnant when she aborted her child. Her husband, who had separated from his parents recently, was under stress due to his new business and was fighting with her a lot. She couldn’t take any more of his verbal abuses and moody behavior. So she called her dad and he immediately sent her an air ticket and a doctor’s card. She wakes up every day, ignoring her husband calling on her cell, but still at times finds herself wondering what it would have been if their child had been born, if they were still together. She is Ritikaa.

Two people I came across recently, whose story moved me. I feel sorry for Ramaa, because life was a bit too harsh on her, and sorry for Ritikaa for her parents were a bit too soft on her.

This proves one thing that I always believed to be true. Not that all men are B**t**ds, that too, but that relationships anywhere need a lot, and I mean a lot of understanding, communication, and most importantly trust. Without these things, a relationship cannot survive for long. And the incurable romantic in me wishes to add: let’s not forget the romance.

Until next time…

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