Thursday, May 20, 2010


Why is it that people don't know where there limits end? Over the last 2 months I have been around people who really don't know when is a good time to stop. Every person has a tolerance limit, and while joking this should be kept in mind. And just because I am quiet, I take your jokes sportingly, I don't retaliate, doesn't mean i can't. I just choose not to, for it is beneath my dignity to fall to your levels. Yes, as friends we are allowed to make jokes at others expenses, but to a certain limit. Overly personal comments regarding families, or repeating the same shitty joke again and again and again does tend to get boring, if not irritating. It only reflects what your mentality is, and sick would be putting it mildly.
So, losers, grow up and get a life.
Oh, and a better sense of humour, while you are at it.

Until next time...

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